Most of us are familiar with the story of Moses' encounter with the "Burning Bush" out in the Sinai desert. But not many know of Victorian master poetess Elizabeth Barrett Browning's turn of phrase concerning this strange phenomena.Her words; "Earth crammed with Heaven and every common bush afire with God and only he who sees, takes off his shoes…the rest sit around and pluck blackberries…" Liz makes some keen observations. I just happened to read the account this morn. Interestingly, it wasn't the bush that was on fire. The passage said that it was an angel who was "on fire" within a bush. Same:same, Samson's dad, Manoah witnessed an angel disappear into the clouds thru flames of fire (Judges 13:20) OK, "Flame On!" Ms. Browning probably needed to add the fact that it wasn't the pyrotechnics that caused Moses to take off his Rainbows. You see it was God who told Moses to take off his sandals (see Exodus 3:5) So whaz up?? Regardless of being nit-picking about the details, I am still guilty of having way too many bushels of blackberries in my freezer.
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