Just listened and re-listened to an inspiring message from a chap named Chris Green down in the Paw Creek ward of Charlotte, NC (Renovatus Church.) Talkin about putting the "red dot laser image" on the target and connecting…!! WHEW ! ! Anyway, the take-away from his 50 min. talk (4 times longer than a TED talk, but its OK) is that most of what we are doing is really a rehearsal for that 15 minutes or 1 day or 1 week or 1 year of crushing, raw, searing life. In other words, many of us wonder "is this all there is?" or "is this it?" cause we often don't see the results from the day in/day out grind. Springboarding from that feeling and question, we scramble for a more interesting achievement OR we try to numb the fact that we are unfulfilled (latest TV drama series, how did the Heels get beat by Belmont???, don't tell me we are out of my favorite wine??) Dr. Green wisely explains that though these rehearsals are boring, they are equiping us for that crucial time when all of that rote practice explodes into instinctive action. Funny, but a crazy example (an extreme one) is when Denzel Washington instinctively flipped that plane in the movie "Flight" even though he was a drunk. Keep soldiering on, grunts, there's coming a time when your particular skill is going to change someone's life and dare I say, even the world!
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