This year my buddy Leon threw in the towel…He had hit bottom, bottom, BOTTOM – physically speaking. So, he took the plunge; joined Cross Fit of Oak Ridge and overhauled his diet (Paleo regimen) Now, 9 months later, Leon is 97 lbs lighter and is probably wondering who is living inside his earth suit. OK, here's the surprize… Leon has now become a type of evangelist for the Paleo Diet. And he should..! Who could argue with this "new miracle lifestyle"… looking great, feeling great, hopeful… but yet no converts. He said folks just can't imagine a world without the "staff of life" (BREAD) Nevertheless, Leon's passion is contagious. For me, the next time I look at a buttery croissant, it will be Leon's energy that inspires me to reach for a stalk of kale instead!
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