As I Become ‘Free-Er’, I Become a Castaway

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Slogging along with Einstein-like social satirist GK Chesterton, irony rules the day. And cleverly so… Reflecting on so-called "personal freedoms/rights," inevitably instead of allowing people to become more free to roller coaster around morally, thereby becoming more "human", these ever-morphing … Continued

Rock, Paper, Scissors

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You have to admit, scissors are probably the coolest tool ever. Across the world, these clipper things have gotten more mileage using Archimedes Law of Leverage than any other piece of equipment.. They've been around for thousands of years. Da … Continued

Don’t Be So Slick, Clarence Darrow!

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88 years ago, great rhetoric/lawyer Clarence Darrow pummelled prosecutor and 3-time Presdiential candidate William Jennings Bryan for 2 hours about the errors in the Bible at the famous Scopes Monkey Trial. Excellent stategy, Clarence. You were able to take an … Continued